Current format tube diameter 42 mm
Variable tube length
Stages 3
Air pressure ATM 4-6
Frequency Hz 50
Voltage Volt 380
Current A 9
Easy-to-use machine with excellent access for cleaning and maintenance. Fast interchangeability of formats. Heated hopper, 3 hot sealing clamps, 12 heads in total. Complete with. n.1 format for tubes with diameter 42 mm and variable length. MiniMatar tube feeding unit mod. RM220.
Tube Filling Machine for filling plastic tubes. The principles of construction, materials used and innovative concepts guarantee maximum productivity, ease of use and quality, making this machine the ideal solution for the pharmaceutical industry and cosmetics market.
- Industry:pharmaceutical, cosmetics, nutraceutical
- Tube material:plastic
- Tubes feeding system:yes
- Max. tube diameter:42 mm
Conditions and size
- Status:Visible
- Condition:Good
- Length:1700 mm
- Width:1040 mm
- Height:2500 mm
- Weight:700 kg
Installed Options