The primary packaging is the packaging that contains the product, it is the one that protects the product
from the external environment. In the pharmaceutical sector primary packaging is very... important. Take the example of a medicine in the form of tablets packed in a blister. The blister machine
has the task not only to form the blister (which can be PVC/Alu, Alu/Alu, Aclar, or many other materials) and to place the tablet inside the blister, but also to verify the integrity of the blister.
In fact, the tablet must be intact, the blister must be complete (it is important to check the presence of all the tablets inside the blister), and there must be no micro-cracks in the blister
(the tablet must absolutely not be in contact with the external air). In the case of packaging a liquid, powder or tablets into bottles, it is important that the filling – capping machine,
counting machine or powder dosing machine checks that the bottle is closed correctly and that the quantity or level of product inside is correct. In the case of a cream-type product, which is
packaged in a tube, the tube filler must also be able to fill the correct quantity and weld the tube correctly. Some important information, such as the expiry date or batch number for example,
is often printed on the tubes or blisters. Among other primary packaging machines, we also find sachet filling machines, ampoule filling machines, capsule filling machines and all the capping
machines that serve to close the container with the desired cap, for example a screw cap, pressure cap or any other type of cap. In some cases, the primary packaging can also be the final
packaging, for example in the cosmetic sector the cream jar or shampoo bottle is often exposed on the hulls without additional packaging. In the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical sector, however,
it is more common for the product to be packed in secondary packaging.
The primary packaging is the packaging that contains the product, it is the one that protects the product
from the external environment. In the pharmaceutical sector primary packaging is very important. Take the example of a medicine in the form of tablets packed in a blister. The blister machine
has the task not only to form the blister (which can... be PVC/Alu, Alu/Alu, Aclar, or many other materials) and to place the tablet inside the blister, but also to verify the integrity of the blister.
In fact, the tablet must be intact, the blister must be complete (it is important to check the presence of all the tablets inside the blister), and there must be no micro-cracks in the blister
(the tablet must absolutely not be in contact with the external air). In the case of packaging a liquid, powder or tablets into bottles, it is important that the filling – capping machine,
counting machine or powder dosing machine checks that the bottle is closed correctly and that the quantity or level of product inside is correct. In the case of a cream-type product, which is
packaged in a tube, the tube filler must also be able to fill the correct quantity and weld the tube correctly. Some important information, such as the expiry date or batch number for example,
is often printed on the tubes or blisters. Among other primary packaging machines, we also find sachet filling machines, ampoule filling machines, capsule filling machines and all the capping
machines that serve to close the container with the desired cap, for example a screw cap, pressure cap or any other type of cap. In some cases, the primary packaging can also be the final
packaging, for example in the cosmetic sector the cream jar or shampoo bottle is often exposed on the hulls without additional packaging. In the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical sector, however,
it is more common for the product to be packed in secondary packaging.
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